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Free Ryzen 7950X 128GB 2 x 2 TB NVMe Miami dedi, until August 15


Maybe this server somehow might be useful to the FOSSBilling project? Maybe someone might want to integrate BashVM ( or something like BashVM (e.g., a simple use of libvirt to make IPv4 NAT and IPv6 KVM VMs) with FOSSBilling? I realize that billing functions usually are separated from VM creation functions. Maybe there could be, a parallel project to FOSSBilling? (FWIW, I just registered the domain.)

To use this server it has to be fully clear who and where you are and what you want to do. I need to feel sure that you will not hurt either the server provider (ReliableSite) or the kind person who gave the server to me (@MikeA from ExtraVM).

More generally, for this free server, I am looking for an engineer or a researcher or a hard working student who wants to show an old guy a few new tricks. In the past, people from MIT and Google have used my servers. It all has been a lot of fun!

Here are links to interesting projects that I have seen recently:






You can get in touch with me by posting here, by private forum message here, or by the email on my profile here.

Hope you have a good day! Best wishes!



Maybe my email might not show on my profile here. So maybe [my nic here] [at] [MetalVPS] [dot] [com]. Thanks!

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