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Free Ryzen 7950X 128GB 2 x 2 TB NVMe Miami dedi, until August 15


Maybe this server somehow might be useful to the FOSSBilling project? Maybe someone might want to integrate BashVM ( or something like BashVM (e.g., a simple use of libvirt to make IPv4 NAT and IPv6 KVM VMs) with FOSSBilling? I realize that billing functions usually are separated from VM creation functions. Maybe there could be, a parallel project to FOSSBilling? (FWIW, I just registered the domain.)

To use this server it has to be fully clear who and where you are and what you want to do. I need to feel sure that you will not hurt either the server provider (ReliableSite) or the kind person who gave the server to me (@MikeA from ExtraVM).

More generally, for this free server, I am looking for an engineer or a researcher or a hard working student who wants to show an old guy a few new tricks. In the past, people from MIT and Google have used my servers. It all has been a lot of fun!

Here are links to interesting projects that I have seen recently:






You can get in touch with me by posting here, by private forum message here, or by the email on my profile here.

Hope you have a good day! Best wishes!



Maybe my email might not show on my profile here. So maybe [my nic here] [at] [MetalVPS] [dot] [com]. Thanks!

Wow, that's quite an offer!

To be clear, is that server free to acquire until August 15th when the offer expires or is the server free up until that date?

Either way, I'll mention this to the other Steering Committee members to see if the FOSSBilling project itself may have some kind of use for it.

Thanks, Tom!

Hi Belle!

The server is free to acquire and to use until August 15. It is set for cancellation on August 15.

It could be uncancelled.

An unfortunate aspect of the subject offer is that I come along with the server, hoping that someone will show me something new.

As the founder of, I do still get free servers occasionally, even though, at my request, @crunchbits has kindly taken over leadership of Some of the servers are quite nice, and some are for longer terms.

What do you think about my idea to add a VM creation and management back end to FOSSBilling or, alternatively, to start a parallel FOSSVM project? BashVM has shown me how simple a basic VM creation nsetup could be, and FOSSBilling's HTML interface is great, so I think it might be possible for someone more skilled than I am to make a minimum viable VM creation implementation within or parallel to FOSSBilling.

Let me know, please, if you guys want this server. There are several people asking for it. As of this writing, I haven't yet finished reviewing the requests.

Thanks for FOSSBilling!



Hello, Tom!

As of the time of writing, none of the other FOSSBilling members have responded with any potential uses we may for the server.

Regarding your idea, VM functionality within FOSSBilling would be really great, but truthfully there just isn't the contributor power to do so.
I'm still really only the active fully contributor to the project and I myself and swamped with normal work and my own life. Yesterday I worked a 15 hour shift and I just don't have the time nor energy to expand FOSSBilling's scope / take on a new project.

It is a great offer though and I am sure you'll find someone who can make great use of it.

Thanks Belle!

I sincerely appreciate your contributions to FOSSBilling!

As you can imagine, since it's a nice server, others are interested. But I wanted to wait for you guys. And here you are, responding, within a reasonable time, without even any deadline having been set, and while under stress from other responsibilities. Fifteen hour shifts are a long!

And thanks for your helpful comment about my idea. We will see what happens. No promises.

You're the best, Belle!

Thanks again!


Well we may have not had a use for it, but the offer is 100% appreciated nonetheless Smile .

I'm sure you've already found someone who's got a great use-case for it lined up and that it'll be put to good use.

Thank you again, Tom!

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