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Email template - invoice.lines - How to show purchased items of invoice?

The invoice template only show the invoice value and due date, but how to show purchased items of invoice?

Possible variables are blank like {{ invoice.lines.lines }} or {{ invoice.lines.text1 }}

I saw that invoice.lines is the variable to show items at invoice page, but what we can do to show it in emails templates? Maybe is it a bug?

I'm trying to find the file where is setted this email template variables, if you know, please.

invoice.lines is an array, so invoice.lines.lines is trying to reference an array key that does not exist.

You want something like so to iterate over each line item:

  {% for line in invoice.lines %}
    <li>{{ line.title }} {{ line.price }}</li>
  {% endfor %}

There is also line.period, line.quantity, line.unit, line.price,, line.taxed, line.charged, and

It's right, thank you.

Another useful variable that I can't find is the category or type of the service/product to describe in the invoice.

For example:
{{ line.category }} {{ line.title }} -  {{ line.price}}

Maybe it's not configured. Do you know where these variables used in the email template are configured?

I am testing and preparing fossbilling to work in production, only for invoices and payments, everything indicates that it will be possible.

I appreciate your attention and I hope to follow and help the project.

Getting the product category would not be straightforward I'm afraid..
You'd have to first get the order item off of the invoice line item (the rel_id variable).
Then, use the API to get the info for that order which will include product_id as a variable, which would then give you the product_category_id which would then need to be used in yet another lookup

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